Infisign UniFed with Google OAuth2.0

This guide explains how to obtain the Client ID and Client Secret from the Google Console.

Creating a Google Cloud Project

Step 1: Visit the Google Cloud Console at

Step 2: Sign in using your Google account.

Step 3: Click on the project dropdown next to 'Google Cloud Platform' and then select 'New Project'.

Step 4: Input a project name and, if necessary, select a billing account. Click 'Create'.

Configuring OAuth Consent Screen

Step 1: From the left-hand menu in the Google Cloud Console, navigate to 'APIs & Services > OAuth consent screen'.

Step 2: For the OAuth consent screen, select 'External' as the User Type and click 'Create'.

Step 3: Complete the required fields, such as the App name, User support email, and Developer contact information.

Step 4: Add any Scopes for Google APIs that your application requires access to.

Step 5: Click 'Save and Continue' through the optional steps until reaching the summary page, then click 'Back to Dashboard'.

Creating OAuth 2.0 Credentials

Step 1: From the navigation menu, go to 'APIs & Services > Credentials'.

Step 2: Click on 'Create Credentials' and select 'OAuth client ID'.

Step 3: Choose 'Web application' as the Application type.

Step 4: Provide a name for your OAuth 2.0 client.

Step 5: Under 'Authorized JavaScript origins', add the origin of your application. For local development, this might be 'http://localhost:3000'.

Step 6: Under 'Authorized redirect URIs', add the URI where users will be redirected after authentication. For local development, this might be 'http://localhost:3000/auth/google/callback'.

Step 7: Click 'Create'.

Obtaining Client ID and Client Secret

Step 1: After clicking 'Create', you'll see your Client ID and Client Secret.

Step 2: Note these down and store them securely. They'll be used in the Infisign application to integrate Google OAuth 2.0.

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