Unifed API Documentation
- Add Infisign Widget to Flutter App and Manage Authentication
- Social Authentication - Infisign UniFed with Microsoft OAuth 2.0
- Social Authentication - Infisign UniFed with Google OAuth2.0
- Social Authentication - Infisign UniFed integration with Github OAuth 2.0
- Redirects Management
- Conditional Access
- UniFed - Organization Management - API
- UniFed Authentication with AWS Cognito User Pool
- Branding and Widget Management - API
- Infisign Magic Authentication
- UniFed - Schema Management - API
- UniFed by Infisign: Login Process
- UniFed - Tenant Creation
- UniFed Schema Creation
- Infisign OAuth Management
- UniFed - Add Users
- Infisign OTP Authentication
- UniFed - Add Redirect
- UniFed - Create Widget
- UniFed - Multifactor Authentication