Branding and Widget Management - API

UniFed API link

Customize and control the visual elements and interface widgets of your application to ensure consistency with your brand identity across all user touchpoints.

Base URL - Staging

  1. Get Branding - Retrieve the current branding settings, including logos, color schemes, and other design elements that define the visual identity of your platform.
curl -i -X GET \
  -u <username>:<password> \
  '<Base URL>/unifed-auth-service/unifed/api/v1/organization/branding/

  1. Update Branding (Create Branding) - Customize and refresh your organization's visual identity across platforms by updating logos, color schemes, and other brand elements.
curl -i -X POST \
  -u <username>:<password> \
  '<Base URL>/unifed-auth-service/unifed/api/v1/organization/branding/ \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
    "brand_name": "<string>",
    "theme_color": "<string>",
    "logo": "<string>"
  • brand_name
    • Note: special characters are not allowed except "-"
  • theme_color HEX colour
    • ex: #6f00ff
  • logo via link
    • ex: s3 link

  1. Create Widget - Design and implement custom widgets to enhance functionality and user interaction within your application's interface.
curl -i -X POST \
  -u <username>:<password> \
  '<Base URL>/unifed-auth-service/unifed/api/v1/organization/widget/{tenant_id}/' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
    "redirect_id": "<string>",
    "name": "<string>",
    "authentication_types": [
    "primary_auth_type": "mobilenumber_otp"
  • redirect_id We can get redirect_id from the ListRedirects API, which is named as id
  • name Note: special characters are not allowed except "-"
  • sso_auth_types "saml", "openid"only these two are allowed
  • authentication_types GOOGLE_OAUTH, MICROSOFT_OAUTH, GITHUB_OAUTH only these three are allowed
  • primary_auth_types "email_magic_auth", "mobilenumber_otp", "email_otp"only these three are allowed.

  1. List Widget (Filter) - Display and manage a comprehensive list of interactive widgets that enhance user interface functionality across your application.
curl -i -X POST \
  -u <username>:<password> \
  '<Base URL>/unifed-auth-service/unifed/api/v1/organization/filter/widget/{tenant_id}/' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
    "query": {},
    "page": {
      "size": 10,
      "page_number": 1
    "filter": [
        "key_name": "name",
        "key_value": "test",
        "operator": "!="
    "sort": "asc"
  • query (Not mandatory)
    • {"key_name":"Key_value"}
    • acts like == operator

  • pageSize
    • Counts per page(10)
    • page_number - Page Number(1)

  • ex
    • if page_number is 2 and Size is 10, it skips the first 10 data and delivers 2nd10 data which is 11- 20.

  • filter (Advanced search)
    • key_name - attribute_name
    • ex: givenName
  • key_value - actual value
    • ex: Adam
  • operator - "=="
    • list of operators user can use:[ "like", "==", ">=", ">", "<=", "<", "!=", "notlike" ]
    • If anything is given other than this will be taken as ==

  • sort
    • asc - ascending
    • desc - descending
    • If not given it will be taken as asc randomly given something will be taken as desc

  1. Get Widget - Retrieve configurable widgets tailored to enhance user interface functionality and integration across platforms.
curl -i -X GET \
  -u <username>:<password> \
  '<Base URL>/unifed-auth-service/unifed/api/v1/organization/get/widget/{widget_id}/'
  • widget_id We can get widget_id from the List Widget API

  1. Update Widget - Enhance and modify your application's widgets to improve functionality, user interaction, and visual appeal.
curl -i -X PATCH \
  -u <username>:<password> \
  '<Base URL>/unifed-auth-service/unifed/api/v1/organization/widget/{tenant_id}/' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
    "id": "<string>",
    "redirect_id": "<string>",
    "name": "<string>",
    "authentication_types": [
    "primary_auth_type": "mobilenumber_otp"
  • id We can get id from the List Widget API, which is named as widget_id
  • redirect_id We can get redirect_id from the ListRedirects API, which is named as id
  • name Note: special characters are not allowed except "-"
  • sso_auth_types "saml", "openid"only these two are allowed
  • authentication_types GOOGLE_OAUTH, MICROSOFT_OAUTH, GITHUB_OAUTHonly these three are allowed
  • primary_auth_types "email_magic_auth", "mobilenumber_otp", "email_otp"only these three are allowed

  1. Delete Widget - This enables the removal of specific widgets from the interface, allowing for streamlined customization and management of the user experience.
curl -i -X DELETE \
  -u <username>:<password> \
  '<Base URL>/unifed-auth-service/unifed/api/v1/organization/widget/{tenant_id}/'

id We can get id from the List Widget API, which is named as widget_id

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