Branding and Widget Management

UniFed API link

Customize and control the visual elements and interface widgets of your application to ensure consistency with your brand identity across all user touchpoints.

Base URL - Staging

  1. Get Branding - Retrieve the current branding settings, including logos, color schemes, and other design elements that define the visual identity of your platform.
curl -i -X GET \
  -u <username>:<password> \
  '<Base URL>/unifed-auth-service/unifed/api/v1/organization/branding/

  1. Update Branding (Create Branding) - Customize and refresh your organization's visual identity across platforms by updating logos, color schemes, and other brand elements.
curl -i -X POST \
  -u <username>:<password> \
  '<Base URL>/unifed-auth-service/unifed/api/v1/organization/branding/ \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
    "brand_name": "<string>",
    "theme_color": "<string>",
    "logo": "<string>"
  • brand_name
    • Note: special characters are not allowed except "-"
  • theme_color HEX colour
    • ex: #6f00ff
  • logo via link
    • ex: s3 link

  1. Create Widget - Design and implement custom widgets to enhance functionality and user interaction within your application's interface.
curl -i -X POST \
  -u <username>:<password> \
  '<Base URL>/unifed-auth-service/unifed/api/v1/organization/widget/{tenant_id}/' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
    "redirect_id": "<string>",
    "name": "<string>",
    "authentication_types": [
    "primary_auth_type": "mobilenumber_otp"
  • redirect_id We can get redirect_id from the ListRedirects API, which is named as id
  • name Note: special characters are not allowed except "-"
  • sso_auth_types "saml", "openid"only these two are allowed
  • authentication_types GOOGLE_OAUTH, MICROSOFT_OAUTH, GITHUB_OAUTH only these three are allowed
  • primary_auth_types "email_magic_auth", "mobilenumber_otp", "email_otp"only these three are allowed.

  1. List Widget (Filter) - Display and manage a comprehensive list of interactive widgets that enhance user interface functionality across your application.
curl -i -X POST \
  -u <username>:<password> \
  '<Base URL>/unifed-auth-service/unifed/api/v1/organization/filter/widget/{tenant_id}/' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
    "query": {},
    "page": {
      "size": 10,
      "page_number": 1
    "filter": [
        "key_name": "name",
        "key_value": "test",
        "operator": "!="
    "sort": "asc"
  • query (Not mandatory)
    • {"key_name":"Key_value"}
    • acts like == operator

  • pageSize
    • Counts per page(10)
    • page_number - Page Number(1)

  • ex
    • if page_number is 2 and Size is 10, it skips the first 10 data and delivers 2nd10 data which is 11- 20.

  • filter (Advanced search)
    • key_name - attribute_name
    • ex: givenName
  • key_value - actual value
    • ex: Adam
  • operator - "=="
    • list of operators user can use:[ "like", "==", ">=", ">", "<=", "<", "!=", "notlike" ]
    • If anything is given other than this will be taken as ==

  • sort
    • asc - ascending
    • desc - descending
    • If not given it will be taken as asc randomly given something will be taken as desc

  1. Get Widget - Retrieve configurable widgets tailored to enhance user interface functionality and integration across platforms.
curl -i -X GET \
  -u <username>:<password> \
  '<Base URL>/unifed-auth-service/unifed/api/v1/organization/get/widget/{widget_id}/'
  • widget_id We can get widget_id from the List Widget API

  1. Update Widget - Enhance and modify your application's widgets to improve functionality, user interaction, and visual appeal.
curl -i -X PATCH \
  -u <username>:<password> \
  '<Base URL>/unifed-auth-service/unifed/api/v1/organization/widget/{tenant_id}/' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
    "id": "<string>",
    "redirect_id": "<string>",
    "name": "<string>",
    "authentication_types": [
    "primary_auth_type": "mobilenumber_otp"
  • id We can get id from the List Widget API, which is named as widget_id
  • redirect_id We can get redirect_id from the ListRedirects API, which is named as id
  • name Note: special characters are not allowed except "-"
  • sso_auth_types "saml", "openid"only these two are allowed
  • authentication_types GOOGLE_OAUTH, MICROSOFT_OAUTH, GITHUB_OAUTHonly these three are allowed
  • primary_auth_types "email_magic_auth", "mobilenumber_otp", "email_otp"only these three are allowed

  1. Delete Widget - This enables the removal of specific widgets from the interface, allowing for streamlined customization and management of the user experience.
curl -i -X DELETE \
  -u <username>:<password> \
  '<Base URL>/unifed-auth-service/unifed/api/v1/organization/widget/{tenant_id}/'

id We can get id from the List Widget API, which is named as widget_id

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