AWS Cognito JWT Authentication Flow

Step: 1:

  • Login into the UniFed portal using Admin credentials.

Step 2:

  • Navigate to the Organization and select the organization you want to integrate the AWS Cognito JWT auth flow.

Step 3: 

  • In the Features page under the Integrations select the Browse Catalog

Step 4:

  • Click the AWS Cognito, choose the Auth type as JWT (JSON Web Token ) then click next.

Step 5: 

Redirect ID - This is the URL where Infisign redirects the user post verification based on the policies set.

Step 6: 

  • Once the application is created, click the Edit Config button on the features page. This will redirect you to the application details page.

  • Copy the API and payload from the application details page and use it in your application along with your existing login authentication flow

Step 7:

  • Select the type of access that you require along with this IdP

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