AWS User Provision with Infisign
Step 1:
- Sign in to the AWS Management Console: AWS Management Console.
- Navigate to the IAM (Identity and Access Management ).
- Select the Users and Click Create User.
- Enter userName and click Next,
Step 2:
Select Attach policies directly and select the policy IAMFullAccess then click next.
Step 3:
- Review the summary and click create user.
Step 4:
- Once the user creates, click the user to create the access key and secret key.
Step 5:
- Navigate to the security credentials and click create access key
Step 6:
- Select the use case as command line interface(CLI) then click next.
Step 7:
- Once the Access Key is generated, copy the access key and secret access key and download the .csv file.
Step 8:
- Login in to the Infisign using admin credentials.
- Navigate to the browse app catalogue and select AWS
Step 9:
- Click Add integration
Step 10:
- Enter the application label and select the user provisioning & privilege.
- Select the Application Owner and click Next.
Step 11:
- Once you click next it navigates to the provision user there, paste the details that we get from the AWS and click verify connection.