
Identity Template - Create Identity Template

Step 1:

  • Login: Ensure you are logged in as an Admin.
  • Navigate to Templates:
    • Click on the Identity option in the main dashboard to expand the dropdown menu.
    • Select Templates under the Identity menu and then click on the Create Template Option

Step 2:

Enter Basic Information

  • Template Name - Enter a name for the template. This should be an identifier that reflects the purpose of the template, such as "Employee Identity."
  • Identity Name - Provide a specific name that describes the type of identity this template
  • Identity Tags - Enter tags related to the template for easier searching and categorization.
  • Category of Identity - Select a category from the dropdown menu that best fits the type of identity being created.
    • (If required) Template Design: Select the Design from the drop list
  • URL - Provide a URL that links to further information or to a related system where the template may
  • Description - Give a detailed description of the template. Explain what the template is used for and any other relevant details.
  • Once all the fields are filled click on Next and proceed

Step 3:

  • Existing Schema - Click on the dropdown menu to select an existing schema that you want to associate with this template.
  • Change Request Attributes - Review and modify the attributes that will be included in the template, from the dropdown select the attributes for the change request condition.
  • Click Next and proceed

Step 4:

Allow Revocation - "Allow Revocation" switch to enable if you want the identity to be revocable.

Enable Identity Share - Click on the dropdown to select the social platforms where the identity can be shared. You can choose from options like Telegram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, and WhatsApp.

Selecting these platforms will allow the identity to be shared across selected social media for increased visibility or verification purposes.

Set Privacy Options -Toggle the switch to "Private" if you wish to restrict the visibility of the identity. Keeping it off will set the identity to the public, allowing everyone to view this identity

Once all the mandatory fields are filled click create, then the Template will be created and viewed in Template list view page

Step 5:

Once the template is created will be listed on the Identity Template list view page, here the template can be Edited and Deleted

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