Issue Identity

Step 1:

Login and Navigate:

  • Ensure you are logged in with administrative privileges.
  • From the dashboard, click on the Identity option on the sidebar to expand the menu.
  • Select Identities and then click on the option Issue Identity

Step 2:

Select the Template to issue an Issue by clicking on the Issue option

Step 3:

Once the issue option is clicked will navigate to the page to select the Issuance Method for Issuing the Identity

Choose the Issuance Method

  • Fill a Form - This method allows you to issue one identity at a time using a form. It’s suitable for individual identity issuance where specific details per identity need to be entered manually.
  • Bulk Upload - This option is ideal for issuing identities simultaneously by uploading a CSV or XLSX file containing all necessary attributes.
  • Event-Based Identity Issuance - For automated identity issuance based on specific triggers or events, this method is optimal. It automatically issues identities when predefined conditions are met. "Event-based Identity Issuance." You may need to configure or edit rules that define the conditions under which identities are issued automatically.

Step 4:

Once the above step is completed the Issued Identity to the User will be listed in the Identity List view page

For Fill a Form and Bulk Upload - The User who receives the Identity should login into the Wallet Application > Identities > Identity Offer , here the offer will be received the user should confirm and accept then only the Identity will be Published

In case of Event-Based Identity the issued Identity will be Published Automatically

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