Social Authentication - Infisign UniFed with Apple ID OAuth 2.0
Step 1:
Visit the Apple ID Developer site at
Step 2:
Log in using your Apple ID account credentials.
Step 3:
Click on the Identifiers option in the Certificates, IDs & Profiles.
Step 4:
Click on the + icon next to Identifiers
Step 5:
Select App IDs and click continue.
Step 6:
Select App and click continue.
Step 7:
Add description and Bundle ID(Client ID).
Step 8:
Scroll down in the capabilities and enable Sign in with apple option
Step 9:
Check Enable as a primary App ID is selected as default for Sign in with Apple if not edit it and click Continue.
Step 10:
Note Team ID (App ID prefix) and Bundle ID(Client ID), Click on register.
Step 11:
Switch from the Identifiers to the Keys tab and click the + icon next to Keys.
Step 12:
Add Key Name enable sign-in with Apple and click Configure.
Step 13:
Select Primary App ID from dropdwon and click on save.
Step 14:
Note the Key ID and click download to download the private key file.
Step 15:
To get the Client Secret, you need to run some code. Here is your sample Python code.
import jwt import time from datetime import timedelta
# Load your .p8 private key file
with open('AuthKey_XXXXXX.p8', 'r') as f: # Replace with your actual .p8 file name private_key =
# Define the payload (claims for the JWT)
current_time = int(time.time()) # Current time in seconds expiration_time = current_time + (180 * 24 * 60 * 60) # 6 months in seconds
# Replace the following values with your actual details
team_id = 'XXXXXX' # Your Apple Developer Team ID client_id = '' # Client ID key_id = 'XXXXXX' # The Key ID
# JWT claims
claims = { 'iss': team_id, # Issuer (Team ID) 'iat': current_time, # Issued at (current time) 'exp': expiration_time, # Expiration time (6 months from now) 'aud': '', # Audience (Apple's authorization server) 'sub': client_id # (Services ID / Client ID) }
# Generate the JWT token/ Client Secret
token = jwt.encode( claims, private_key, algorithm='ES256', # Apple requires ES256 algorithm (Elliptic Curve) headers={ 'kid': key_id # Key ID (from Apple Developer account) } )
# If using PyJWT version 2.x, token will be a bytes object, so decode it