Infisign UniFed - SSO Integration for OpenID

Step 1:

  • Log in to the UniFed portal.
  • From the main dashboard, navigate to the "Tenant" section in the left sidebar.
  • Click on "Tenant List" and select your Tenant to proceed for SSO- OpenID

Step 2:

Scroll down, click on the Add config for SAML OpenID integration

Step 3:

Enter SSO Integration Details

Start by entering the SSO Integration Name. If needed, you can also upload a logo image.

Step 4:

Now copy the App Login URL and Callback URL and have it in the IDP application which is in needs to be configured with UniFed

Step 5:

Get the Client ID, Client Secret, and Well-Known configuration from the IDP application and paste them in for the OpenID configuration, Grant type from the dropdown to be as Authorization Code, Scope, Redirect URL, Logout Redirect URL need to be as per the requirement.

Step 6:

Save the configuration setup, once done the configuration will be in the enabled status

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